After initial meetings, we understood that the key aspects of Crude Cattle were to be the land and the cattle. Based in Central Florida, we put together a moodboard with a Southern, and Florida aesthetic that the stakeholder at Crude Cattle liked. From there, we continued to focus until we had a clear concept for the company’s logo and identity.

We created an identity that clearly communicated what Crude Cattle offers. We also took care to illustrate a cow based on the Brangus cow, a hybrid breed Crude Cattle raises.

Color Palette

Product Packaging
Packaged meat usually comes with little more than a label with a small logo. We made branded stickers with calls-to-action that offered suggested uses for each packaged cut of meat. This helps make the experience familiar and accessible to anyone who buys meat from a grocer or butcher.

Because the various cuts of beef would have to be packaged in different-sized refrigerated boxes, we created branded packing tape that could be applied to any size box. We also developed other options for packing and delivering first-time orders, such as different sized branded coolers.

Large Format Print
Although Crude Cattle is starting out small, they are primed for expansion, and we have been focusing on the customer experience from first point of contact through delivery or pickup and afterward. We are working on signage for the ranch and delivery vehicle.

Print Flyers
Beef cut sheets are oftentimes poorly presented and difficult for the customer to understand. We worked to turn napkin sketches and notes into an easy to understand cutsheet so that the customer could understand both what cuts Crude Cattle offers and what that mix of cuts might be best suited for.
Since buying beef in bulk requires ample freezer space, we also created this infographic that clearly communicates exactly what kind of freezer and how much freezer space a customer will need to have access to depending on what cut mix they choose. This was all part of making the buying experience as simple and positive as possible for Crude Cattle customers.

Brewery Campaign
Crude Cattle uses spent brewer’s grains as part of its cattle feed, which offers improved nutrition for its cows. They have partnerships with several local Central Florida breweries, and we developed an informational campaign around this, called “Beer to Beef”. Partner breweries would have a framed print piece explaining the relationship. We also created a deeper integration, with a limited amount of beef to be sent to partner breweries in a branded freezer, as well as an informational menu.