an image of the Danger Brain skull logomark

Turning a Living Brand into a Lively Community

Tom & Dan

The A Mediocre Time with Tom & Dan brand is a unique projects for us because it changes frequently over time. We have actually made small adjustments to the main Tom & Dan identity almost every year since the show began, but this time we expanded it.

Show Identity

A podcast and radio show for 10 years, “A Mediocre Time With Tom & Dan” has changed with the times. We have tweaked and adapted the show’s brand and identity over the years to keep it continually fresh while keeping it familiar to fans.

A Mediocre Time text and illustrations of Tom and Dan
Primary Logo
A Mediocre Time text and illustrations of Tom and Dan on a striped background
Secondary Logo
Illustration of Tom in red circle
Badge for Tom
Horizontal stacked orientation of A Mediocre Time logo
Illustration of Dan in red circle
Badge for Dan
Better With Cool Beer show tagline

Network Identity

A Corporate Time logo
Show Logo

A Corporate Time

As the show’s audience and reach grew, so did the organization. What began as a single show evolved to include additional content and shows, like A Corporate Time on iHeartRadio. This led to the creation of a parent company, T&D Media.

We created separate brands for these entities, each with their own personality, but one which was still clearly related to the Tom and Dan family.

Climbing the Corporate Rope Ladder
Time Flies When You're Having Rum
Plunder Dreams and Pillage Dollars
Show Icons and Taglines

T&D Media

For the network’s parent company, Tom and Dan needed something a clean and classic than the consumer-focused show identities. T&D Media would be a business-to-business operation. We developed a wordmark-focused logo (which used Daniel Dennis’ dog) to give it more of a timeless feel.

T&D Media logo, red text and a dog sketch
Primary Logo
Sketch of dog encased in circle
T&D Media logo
T&D Media logo encased in red circle

Event Identities

“Summon the Scumbag” (6th anniversary)

For the 6th year anniversary party of A Mediocre Time with Tom & Dan, we created a concept around “Summon the Scumbag”, and spoofed occult imagery and concepts. This included everything for the event, including t-shirts, promotional materials, banners and other event materials.


Tom & Dan Summon the Scumbag logo
Primary logo

Promotional Materials

Tom & Dan Summon the Scumbag event flier
Event flier
Summon the Scumbag postcard Summon the Scumbag postcard (small)
Event postcards
Summon the Scumbag invocation
Invocation sheet
Summon the Scumbag event match set
Invocation match set


Trucker Hat with event logo
Black shot glass with Summon the Scumbag text
Shot Glass
Black Summon the Scumbag event shirt

From Fans to Superfans

With our brand support, Tom & Dan have developed an extremely loyal following and successfully transitioned to full-time podcasters. We also helped develop a merchandising operation which supports the brand and which the fans love.

Fostering Your Own Fans

If you’re scaling a media operation in need of a deep fan connection over time, you may benefit from our skills in building a brand language and ethos, as well as merchandising.